


Lama tak jenguk and updated blog mummy. Well, mummy sangat busy kebelakangan ni bukan busy pasal apa just semuanya pasal kerja kat office. Now everything has change and mummy were very glad to this changes. No more heavy paper works, no need to stay longer to finish the duty and the most important is mummy comfortable with my "old chair". Eventhough mummy has come back to old chair due to mummy own request from my boss, but then all the F&B reports will be done by me every months!!!! mummy don't mind at least that is my advantages of all.

Actually, sometimes mummy feel so bored dah workings here, but i have no choice at all. So for this time being, kerja saja la. Sampai suatu masa nanti pasti ada pengakhirannya. Tak sabar nak berhenti kerja, but sebelum tu mummy nak reach my target of savings before resign dari sini. InsyaAllah!!