
09th February....

Is my beloved princess birthday and this year is her 2 years old birthday party.....

I'M THE ONE so excited...mummy dah plan nak tempah 2 tier cake for Nur Alya Faiqah on her birthday party nanti. Mummy juga dah buat menu for this special day..mummy nak birthday anak mummy tahun ni meriah compare to last year. Last year just a few were invited to celebrated her birthday party due to some circumstances! But it's ok she's just 01 year old and still didn't understand for whom the party is...even that mummy and ayah bought her a beautiful dress "regardless the price" to wear on that special day especially for our first birthday girl!

Last year story was leave behind but remain in our memories forever...NOW we will taking about this year preparation for 2nd birthday party for our little princess! errrmmmm kalau boleh mummy nak buat besar - besaran jemput semua ahli keluarga mummy dan ayah untuk meraihkan seterusnya bacaan doa selamat dan kesyukuran for this special day. Mummy dah belikan dress polka dots yang cantik buat Alya to wear...hehehe mummy nak Alya comel on that day! Mummy dah plan nak sediakan door gift for all those who are invited to this party. Mummy wants a perfect birthday party for you...

But all above is just a sweet PLANNING for my little girl...although i wish the same but there are a few things need to be considered before anything to be decided and final decision! Mummy just hope everthing will go smoothly as the plan and hubby will approved all what we wants!

Anyway..."kita hanya merancang Tuhan yang menentukan". If we can't do the party then let's just ayah, mummy,alya and a cake would be necessary to celebrate your birthday. What mummy has planned just a guideliness if we can make it to reality. Sebagai ibu, semestinya mummy mahu hanya yang terbaik untuk Alya sayang. Sebagai isteri, mummy harus patuh kepada keputusan dan kata-kata suami dan sebagai hambaNYA mummy harus bersederhana dan bersyukur atas segala nikmat dan kesempatan yang Allah berikan untuk kita hingga ke hari ini. Setiap degupan jantung ini selagi belum terhenti, sujud kepadaNYA atas segala kesempatan yang masih ada..apa yang penting ayah,mummy dan alya masih bersama, sebuah keluarga yang mummy sentiasa doakan agar menjadi keluarga muslim yang bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat!!

Then..mummy comes to conclusion...we will celebrate it in our own way!!

Mummy loves you so much....my beloved princess!

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